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Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA

Title: Reactive Oxygen Species: from Respiratory muscle to the Heart


Biography: Li(Alex)Zuo


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) play critical roles in biological systems.  ROS formation is closely associated with infection, inflammation, ethanol toxicity, cell death, and cell signaling cascades. Respiratory and cardiac muscles have been shown to generate considerable ROS under various conditions. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that increased ROS production in diaphragmatic and heart muscles is associated with exposure to heat stress, hypoxia and ultra-fine particle exposure, all of which may play a role in muscle function and regulatory activity.  Results demonstrate: 1) ROS formation is a natural response of the diaphragm to heat exposure; 2) ROS release is not directly linked to NADPH oxidase, mitochondria, or anion channels in diaphragm in heat stress; 3) Nitric oxide synthase, lipoxygenase, and phospholipase A2 are all associated with ROS release in respiratory muscle; 4) Hydrogen peroxide is largely induced by acute hypoxia in respiratory muscle; 5) Particle exposure causes marked dysfunction of isolated cardiomyocytes via ROS formation. These results suggested that ROS profoundly affects skeletal and cardiac muscle physiology in various stress models.