Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA
Li Zuo obtained his PhD at Ohio State University (OSU). Currently, he is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Molecular Physiology and Rehabilitation Research Lab at OSU Medical center. He authored and editted over 140 original papers, abstracts, book chapters, review articles and edited publications. He is serving as associate editor for Frontiers in Physiology (the 2016 #1 most cited open-access journal in Physiology with an impact factor of 4.031). He also earned recognition as a fellow by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in 2015 and won S&R Foundation Ryuji Ueno Award, the largest American Physiological Society (APS) award in 2016.
Abstract : Hypoxic Preconditioning Strengthens Diaphragm during Hypoxia via ROS Signaling in COPD Mice